


Powerlifting is a sport dedicated to three of the most traditional lifts: bench press, dead lift, and squat.  Athletes train from November through March, and there are two major events. The Regional meet qualifies a lifter for the State Championship meet, and a lifter competes within his respective weight class.  There are eleven weight classes which range from 114lbs. through Super Heavy Weight. The team that earns the most points wins the aforementioned meets.  It is a sport that imparts dedication and work ethic to its participants.



Coaching Staff


Level Head Coach Phone # Email
Varsity Jesse Kellum 985-892-3200   
Assistant Coaches: 
Thomas Dugan, Mike Stant, Ryan Sullivan



Lion Invitational-01/14/23

Denham Springs Invitational-01/21/23

South Regional State Qualifying Meet-02/25/23-At Covington High

State Championship-03/23/23-At University Louisiana Lafayette, Cajun Dome


